Saturday, 9 February 2013

The Hunger Games

LL Cool J - Take It ft. Joe

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

After watching the movie on my flight to South Africa last summer, I thought I'd give the Hunger Games Trilogy a read. 
The movie (although it left me with many questions) was really good!
The books, good-ish.
The main protagonist, Katniss Everdeen, comes up short with all the characteristics you'd expect her to have. She's not charismatic, warm, the smartest or the bravest character in the book. The only time you feel she shows emotion is when her little sister is involved. Besides then, she comes across as selfish, annoying and helpless.
In the first two books, both exceptionally good, she doesn't come across as the favourite character, this title goes to Peeta Mellark, who saves her and just oozes hero.
I feel like the author did such a good job in building his character up that the last book was dedicated to trying to redeem Katniss and thus, lost some of its essence.
I have to admit, I struggled to read the last book, and at times it lost some of its cohesion and descriptions didn't flow as well as the other books but in general, it made for a decent read.
I wouldn't recommend it to adult though (the size of the writing might offend you).

I think it's safe to say the film didn't do the book justice. I wonder how they plan on producing the next two installments.